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 1. Snowball and Birdman  TWiG-Episode030 - Batman  This Week in Geek 
 2. Amy Cowen  CMP-episode030  Creative Mom Podcast 
 3. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 20 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 6 of 13  Batman Adventures 20 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 6 of 13 
 4. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 19 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 5 of 13  Batman Adventures 19 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 5 of 13 
 5. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 18 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 4 of 13  Batman Adventures 18 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 4 of 13 
 6. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 21 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 7 of 13  Batman Adventures 21 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 7 of 13 
 7. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 23 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 9 of 13  Batman Adventures 23 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang -Batman & Superman Team up 9 of 13 
 8. Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Humphrey Camardella Productions 
 9. Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Humphrey Camardella Productions 
 10. Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Humphrey Camardella Productions 
 11. Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Batman Adventures 1 Batman's Great Mystery Part 1 of 11  Humphrey Camardella Productions 
 12. Michael Bailey and Shag the Boy Wonder  Bat Week Part 1: Holy Sixites Batman...Uh...Batman  Views From The Longbox 
 13. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11 
 14. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 8 Batman's Great Mystery 8 of 11  Batman Adventures 8 Batman's Great Mystery 8 of 11 
 15. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 7 Batman's Great Mystery 7 of 11  Batman Adventures 7 Batman's Great Mystery 7 of 11 
 16. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 13 Batman - The Lazarus Syndrome  Batman Adventures 13 Batman - The Lazarus Syndrome 
 17. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 9 Batman's Great Mystery 9 of 11  Batman Adventures 9 Batman's Great Mystery 9 of 11 
 18. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11 
 19. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11  Batman Adventures 6 Batman's Great Mystery 6 of 11 
 20. Aphex Twin  Z Twig  Selected Ambient Works Volume  
 21. Snowball and Birdman  TWiG-Episode019  This Week in Geek 
 22. Snowball and Birdman  TWiG-Episode017  This Week in Geek 
 23. Leo Laporte, Gina Trapani, Jef  TWiG 6: All Your O's Are Belon  TWiG September 2009 
 24. KV Express  Batman  Luna 
 25. http://www.chez.com/philoups  Batman   
 26. Salty King  16-Batman  Live 2-20-99 
 27. Four of Us  Batman  Hideout 1003 
 28. Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard  I am the Batman  The Dark Knight 
 29. KV Express  Batman  Luna 
 30. Nathaniel Scott  Batman my Dad  Batman my Dad 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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